Interview: Noah Teicher for Yearbook Annual


There is a lot more than meets the eye with Noah Teicher, a model at New York Models, who was featured in Yearbook Annual 2015. Noah was photographed and interviewed by by Nathan Best and you can read the interview below.  Print and digital editions are available from the links below.

The Yearbook Annual Collectors Pack includes:

Volume 1 – 124 pages, b/w fanzine featuring top fashion model Matthew Bell at New York Models on the cover, photographed by Karl Simone
Volume 2 – 76 pages, full colour fanzine featuring brand new Brit model Rory at Bookings on the cover, photographed by Ian Cole
Limited edition set of 3 square prints on card (13cm x 13cm), with images from the issue (no single customer will receive the same set)

2x volumes
200 pages
b/w & full colour
Perfect Bound
*This special edition includes FREE worldwide shipping from the link below. **Please note you get BOTH volumes with this order, you don’t need to order separately, they come together for one price + you will receive 2x PDF’s if you order the digital edition.


1. Hello Noah! Welcome to Yearbook! How old are you and where are you from?
I’m 18 years old and come from New York City!

2. How did you get into modelling and how long have you been doing it?
Sent in pictures to my dad’s old manager after high school, trying my luck, and it worked!

3. What things are you truly passionate about?
Hiking in the mountains, helping make people’s day better, and reading!

4. What is the most common misconception about you?
That I’m just a pretty boy!

5. What is your heritage/ethnic background?
I’m German, French, Mexican, and Spanish. Mexican and Spanish surprises people!

6. If not New York City, where else would you love to live?
I’d love to live somewhere in the mountains!

7. Is modeling mostly work or mostly fun for you?
Mostly fun for me but since I’m modeling full time, it’d be nice to see something in return!

8. Who are some of your favorite music artists?
All classical music, but other times I listen to the Red Hot Chili Peppers!

9. Do you go to clubs, and are you a good dancer?
I’m only 18. I’ve been to clubs before but I don’t go regularly. It depends who’s judging me.

10. Do you spend more time with friends or with family?
More time with family.

11. Along with modelling, would you consider a career in acting?
Yes I love acting. I will pursue my dreams as an actor.

12. What is both your favourite and least favourite thing about modelling?
My favorite – seeing a different version of myself. Least favorite – sometimes people assume right off the bat that I’m lazy or not smart enough to get a “real job” which isn’t true!

13. As a model, is dating difficult? And if yes or no, tell us why!
Haven’t had a problem yet since I just started, but I probably wouldn’t dare because I get jealous easily!

14. What physical feature do people admire most about you?
My chin or hair.

15. What is your favourite food?

16. What is your favourite quote or or famous last words?
“A person who never made a mistake, never tried anything!”


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