Jon M by Ian Cole for Yearbook Fanzine #5


British model and musician Jon M was shot at the beach by Ian Cole for Yearbook #5. You can also read his interview below.

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Interview with Jon

1. Welcome to Yearbook Jon, where are you from?
I am originally from Birmingham

2. What is the best thing about your hometown?
The best thing about Birmingham aside from my family, is no traffic. When you’re in London all the time you appreciate the open roads back in Birmingham

3. How do you spend your Summer holidays?
Nothing special, I love work too much!! I am either shooting, in the studio or on set throughout the summer. Wouldn’t have it any other way

4. You’re a songwriter and singer – tell us a little about that – where would you like to see yourself in five years time with music?
Well, I love music. I write most nights but never plan to. I found when the music comes organically it sounds the best. In five years time with the music side, the plan is really no plan. If there’s one thing I have learnt so far, it’s you ever know what’s around the corner, so I’m just going to keep working hard and see what happens

5. What music artists do you like? Name three artists you’re listing to at the moment?
I like any artists that are different. The 3 top artists I’m listening to at the moment are Pharrel Williams his music is phenomenal, I always listen to Michael Jackson I have to mention him and Rihanna is killing it at the moment.

6. What is the best thing about modelling?
The best thing about modelling is meeting so many new faces all with dreams to make it big! Whether it be a photographer, a model, a makeup artist or even a designer

7. Which City/Country in the world would you most love to visit on a modelling assignment?
This one’s easy – New York. I love the energy there you can kind of feel the ambition.

8. Music or Modelling?
I couldn’t choose, they’re both so different and I love them both.

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