Official Preview: Yearbook Fanzine #9

Iggy Kolomiyets by Jared Bautista
Front cover: Iggy Kolomiyets at Vision LA by Jared Bautista

Yearbook #9 is finally here and we are excited to share more images of what is inside. The cover model is the ever-sexy Iggy Kolomiyets at Vision LA, photographed by Jared Bautista

Although we have done some previews of this issue earlier, we have started a new release schedule and wanted to make sure we started off the year right. Yearbook Fanzine will now be released each quarter, like clockwork. Photographers in the issue include Karl Simone, Jared Bautista, Ricardo Gomes, Joseph Lally, Ian Cole, Nathan Best, Leila Jacue and Ben Sabo plus models Iggy Kolomiyets at Vision LA, Steven Chevrin at New York Models, Ryan C Frederick at Ford, Maté Lucas at SAMtheagency, Joland at Red, Kuba at Red, Owen Bitter at Success Paris, Mark at SAMtheagency and Gabriel True at Fusion.

Order a print edition or digital edition HERE
Yearbook Fanzine eBOOK BUNDLE: A collection of Yearbook Fanzine PDF editions (click for more details)
Yearbook Annual eBook Bundle: An eBook bundle of Yearbook Annual digital editions

Back cover: Iggy Kolomiyets at Vision LA by Jared Bautista
Back cover: Iggy Kolomiyets at Vision LA by Jared Bautista
Iggy Kolomiyets at Vision LA by Jared Bautista
Iggy Kolomiyets at Vision LA by Jared Bautista
Iggy Kolomiyets at Vision LA by Jared Bautista
Iggy Kolomiyets at Vision LA by Jared Bautista
Iggy Kolomiyets at Vision LA by Jared Bautista
Iggy Kolomiyets at Vision LA by Jared Bautista
Joland at Red by Nathan Best
Joland at Red by Nathan Best
Joland at Red by Nathan Best
Joland at Red by Nathan Best
Joland at Red by Nathan Best
Joland at Red by Nathan Best
Cuba & Joland at Red by Nathan Best
Kuba & Joland at Red by Nathan Best
Kuba at Red by Nathan Best
Kuba at Red by Nathan Best
Kuba at Red by Nathan Best
Kuba at Red by Nathan Best
Ryan C Frederick at Ford by Joseph Lally
Ryan C Frederick at Ford by Joseph Lally
Ryan C Frederick at Ford by Joseph Lally
Ryan C Frederick at Ford by Joseph Lally
Steven Chevrin at New York Models by Karl Simone
Steven Chevrin at New York Models by Karl Simone
Steven Chevrin at New York Models by Karl Simone
Steven Chevrin at New York Models by Karl Simone
Steven Chevrin at New York Models by Karl Simone
Steven Chevrin at New York Models by Karl Simone
Mate Lucas at SAMtheagency by Ian Cole
Maté Lucas at SAMtheagency by Ian Cole
Mate Lucas at SAMtheagency by Ian Cole
Maté Lucas at SAMtheagency by Ian Cole
Mate Lucas at SAMtheagency by Ian Cole
Maté Lucas at SAMtheagency by Ian Cole
Owen Bitter at Success Paris by Ricardo Gomes
Owen Bitter at Success Paris by Ricardo Gomes
Owen Bitter at Success Paris by Ricardo Gomes
Owen Bitter at Success Paris by Ricardo Gomes
Owen Bitter at Success Paris by Ricardo Gomes
Owen Bitter at Success Paris by Ricardo Gomes
Gabriel True at Fusion by Leila Jacue
Gabriel True at Fusion by Leila Jacue
Gabriel True at Fusion by Leila Jacue
Gabriel True at Fusion by Leila Jacue
Mark at SAMtheagency by Ben Sabo
Mark at SAMtheagency by Ben Sabo
Mark at SAMtheagency by Ben Sabo
Mark at SAMtheagency by Ben Sabo
Mark at SAMtheagency by Ben Sabo
Mark at SAMtheagency by Ben Sabo
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