You Can Call Me Harry by Easton Schirra for Yearbook Fanzine #7


The cover story for Yearbook Fanzine #7 features actor/model Harry Hains in ‘You Can Call Me Harry’, which was photographed by Easton Schirra. The 14-page spread was shot in Los Angeles and styled by Richie Davis, also at 7 Artist Mgmt. The bonus digital edition features extra images. We also asked YB contributor Nathan Best to interview Harry for the issue, which you can read in full below!

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1. Hello Harry. Welcome to Yearbook! How old are you and where are you from?
Hey! I’m 21 from Melbourne, Australia.

2. You are quite the talent! How did you get into modeling and acting, and how long have you been doing both?
When you are a young teenager and someone tells you repeatedly you can’t do something, you are naturally going to obsess about it, got told I had a great look year after year but was never tall enough to model until I finished high school, where I moved to London and then New York and settled with Ford models in LA who really have helped get things going. I’ve been involved in acting classes for as long as I can remember but only really took acting seriously after studying in New York and deciding to put all my energy and ambition into making it happen in this city, and of course, working hard enabled me to book 7 features this year, so it’s getting there!

3. So tell us, what things are you most passionate about.
Well, I have to say my biggest passion lies within my career, most of my time is spent in some way involved with the industry, it takes a lot out of you and you have to be extremely committed, however, maybe not to such extremes of losing track that there are other things happening outside of it!

4. Just how do you go about preparing for a role?
Literally, attempt to lock myself indoors with the script and never let it out of my sight including sleeping with it, not sure if that part helps but always have the lines at arms reach, immerse yourself in the language, the world, the relationship, and genuine connection you have with others in the story, obtained however necessary through substitution, history or whatever, it has to become an honest experience as if it were actually happening, let it come then so naturally and allow the self to be entirely affected.

5. What would be the role of your dreams?
It would either be honoring a music legend in a messed up, dark and raw biopic or some kind of magic Elven creature in a wild supernatural saga, perhaps to play Link in a Zelda film series would be the best.

6. Looking through your Instagram, one can see you are quite the chameleon! Would that indicate that you’re a complex individual?
Well, we are very much complex but some far too afraid to show their true self or have the need to hide or shy away. However, I really encourage myself and often others to allow complete freedom in self-expression without any judgment or preconception and tend to be closer to those who like me are comfortable enough in their own skin that there is no holding back in anything. Move forward and never look back as there is no time to waste on being fearful, plunge ahead, the worst it can do is make you a stronger person.

7. Do you have other talents that we don’t know bout?
It depends what one considers a talent, like being skilled at bending my tongue more times than normal or at relentlessly crashing my car. Though, personally, the most meaningful talents are those still to come. I’ve been writing my whole life, from poetry to stories soon to be complete screenplays, but self-documentation is an important thing to me through my photographic blog and my personal writing. I am very much into fashion too as wearable artwork, so my enthusiasm for that and the desire and potential to design later on could be a talent also.

8. What is your most redeeming quality?
It would have to be my ambition, it gets me through everything, I don’t know how I would get up in the morning if I didn’t have this complete, thirsty desire and drive to achieve all that I want and plan to while I am here, and being maybe slightly mad, it’s quite necessary for me to have a constant outflow of creative energy and generally being busy is a great feeling especially in the creative world – getting everything done, working hard and reaping the rewards, working your way up, it’s all one big exhilarating game.

9. What is your favorite food?
It would not be fair to in-n-out burger for me not to nominate them, way too good.

11. What genres of music are you into?
A wide range, from various forms of electronic music – dream pop, post-dub, in love with musicians like Burial, Nicolas Jaar, and Flying Lotus throw in some disco and probably end up with chill ambient or acoustic tunes, that if he/she singing has a beautiful voice, it will transfix me immediately, as will powerful lyrics.

12. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you most like to live?
I lived in Melbourne, then London, traveled around Europe and to NYC and after all that moving I finally found my favorite city where I am now in Los Angeles, it’s why I’m here and not going anywhere, there are far too many opportunities to grab hold of that not staying is not an option.

13. What is your favorite quote or famous last words?
I have been memorizing Sylvia Plath poems for years, she is a huge inspiration to me, despite being suicidal and killing herself, she wrote with such an intensity and emotional depth. The line from one of her poems that I’d have to say is “I am too pure for you or anyone” as I did end up getting ‘too pure’ tattooed on my skin.



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