Interview: Alexander Barna at Request for Yearbook #7


Alexander Barna at Request featured in Yearbook Fanzine #7 and here we share with you his full interview plus exclusive images that were not featured in the magazine.

Photography & Interview by Nathan Best, styling by Jules Wood. We have a limited number of print copies available from the link below plus the digital version is available too

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1. Hello Alexander. Welcome to Yearbook! How old are you and where are you from?
I’m Alexander Barna, I’m 21 years old and I’m from Manhattan, NY

2. How did you get into modelling and how long have you been doing it?
I have been modelling for 1 year now, and I was scouted by my former agent George Brown

3. What things are you truly passionate about?
I am passionate about skateboarding, my close friends, and my family.

4. What is the most common misconception about you?
My biggest misconception is that I am shy. But I’m just quiet.

5. What is your heritage/ethnic background?
I’m Ukrainian and Italian.

6. If not New York City, where else would you love to live?
If not New York, maybe Cali because I like the vibe and weather

7. Is modelling mostly work or mostly fun for you?
Modelling is both a business and fun pleasure for me. The intertwining of both is why I love it so much.

8. Who are some of your favourite music artists?
I like Kendrick Lamar and Joey Badass and I’m into Nirvana as well.

9. Do you go to clubs, and are you a good dancer?
I like dancing, but I’m just okay at it. I just turned 21 so I’m still exploring, not sure if I like clubbing yet.

10. Do you spend more time with friends or with family?
As long as my fam is good, I spend more time with my friends. Fam comes first!

11. Along with modelling, would you consider a career in acting?
Acting is interesting and I think I would be good at it.

12. What is both your favourite and least favourite thing about modelling?
Least fav. Is waiting. Fav thing is getting a dope shot and loving it.

13. As a model, is dating difficult? And if yes or no, tell us why!
Dating is difficult because of traveling. But if you can wait out a few months till your trip is over it is definitely worth it.

14. What physical feature do people admire most about you?
I have a strong bone structure and nice lips I suppose. Probably my hair as well.

15. What is your favourite food?
Fav food is spaghetti and meatballs.

16. What was your favourite part of our shoot?
Fav part of the shoot was meeting the crew and hanging out with my model homies. Had a good time!

17. What is your favourite quote or famous last words?
Last words from shoot: “let’s go home and sleep”!


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